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Program Analysis

Program Analysis

Q CFD 272 PROGRAM ANALYSIS The goal of this assignment is to become acquainted with the process by which agencies and programs in the field of child and family development can be analyzed and assessed in terms of effectiveness. It will expose the student to a wide variety of agencies and programs that affect children in families in San Diego County and the nation in a wide variety of ways. The assignment must follow APA format, and the APA Checklist must be attached as the last two pages of the assignment after the References. The body of the paper should be broken into sections following the headings found in the directions below. Each element of the directions for each section should be addressed even if no data was found answering that question. Whenever you are shy of content due to unavailability of data, you must make up for that by using more text references which apply to the work done by the agency or program. Part 1: Agency/Program Description In this section you will describe the agency/program including as much detail as you can from the information you are able to gain about it. To locate information, you can start with their website, their brochures, their annual report, etc., but attempt to get more detail and an experiential element if you can by doing one or more of the following: Call and speak to a representative such as a receptionist, staff member, board member, administrative officer, or a recipient of their services. Another way to gain information in person is to visit a site, attend a volunteer orientation, training, or other event. 1. Give the full name, location/s, website and phone number of the agency/program and explain what services they provide. Often agencies and programs serve children and families through many sub-programs in their larger agency. If yours has many services, give a broad description of all of them, but chose one particular segment to focus on in this assignment. 2. Describe the stated Mission, Vision, Values and Goals of the agency/program. If they are not clearly spelled out, give your thoughts about what they might be. 3. Describe the method of funding for this agency/program: Is it from client fees, government funds, donations, etc.? Is it a for-profit, non-profit 501 (c) (3) or government entity? 4. Describe the leadership of the program, whether they have a Board of Directors, and what they do if they have one. 5. Describe the type of staff the agency employs and any volunteer opportunities. 6. Describe their target audience. 7. Draw comparisons to other similar programs. Are there other programs like them locally, nationally? 8. Describe any reports, community outreach meetings, newsletters, media, etc. that you were able to access. Did they include any client stories? If so, summarize them. Part 2: Agency/Program Analysis Based upon what you were able to learn about this agency/program, do you feel it is meeting its stated goals in the following ways?: 1. How do you think they are impacting the lives of children and families in San Diego County (or the nation)? 2. How well do you think they are reaching their target audience with their services? 3. What barriers to their services might children and families encounter? 4. How good do they seem to be at offering culturally effective services? Explain? Part 3: Ties to course concepts Using a minimum of 15 specific references to the Berns text, tie the information you found out about this agency to many of the chapters. Be sure to include Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Systems as you do so. References Use the text and any agency websites, publications, media, etc. You do not need to locate outside sources beyond your agency sources. Abstract See the directions at the Program Analysis Abstract directions link on Blackboard for the grid to use to create your unique abstract for this paper. Cfd 272 PROGRAM ANALYSIS RUBRIC Area Content Points Possible Your points Format APA guidelines followed, clarity, thoroughness, length 10 pages total, Abstract format followed, and APA Checklist attached 10 PART 1--Description All 8 elements covered thoroughly 10 PART 2--Analysis All 4 elements covered thoroughly with well documented backup for opinions 10 PART 3--Ties to course concepts Minimum 15 references to text, substantial references showing knowledge of concept 20 TOTAL 50 When you have completed your analysis, write up the abstract as a single page which can be used as a resource for other students to learn about your agency. Include contact information as well as summary information. You do not need to include a lot about the references to the text in the abstract. Think of a description and brief summary. The abstract will then be put after the cover page in your paper. Those abstracts will be made available to all students to prepare for a segment of the final exam which will focus on agencies and programs. Use the format attached by writing into that single page Word document that you will title • “272 Abstract Your Last Name First and your First Name Second.” • An example is: 272 Abstract Behana Nory You will submit that single page document by emailing it to me when you submit your whole paper at the Turnitin site. If your assignment is late (which I hope it is not because it loses 10% or the equivalent of one grade level each week or part of that it is late), submit it to me when it is completed. For the “Services” section, include about three sentences describing the main services. You can use bullets to organize your sentences if you wish. This “Abstract” page will act as page two of your Agency Analysis as well as being emailed to me as a single page Word document. To clarify, your whole Agency Analysis paper needs to be a minimum of ten pages total including the cover sheet, abstract, content and reference page. It is fine to use headings in your paper. The Abstract must all be contained on one page.

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The full name of the program which is being analyzed in this paper is Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA): Childcare Resource Services. The location of the program is 3333 Camino del Rio S, San Diego, CA 92108, USA (“Childcare Resource Service”, 2019). The website of the program is (“Childcare Resource Service”, 2019). The phone number of the program is +1 619-521-3055 (“Childcare Resource Service”, 2019). The program has been initiated to ensure that there would be services provided for meeting the needs of children from multiple dimensions like support for children belonging to military families.